March 21, 2009

Survey Says . . .

There were so many things I meant to blog about this week. I'm blaming my lack of blogging about them on losing my voice. Which I blame the loss of my voice on the state of Utah. I never used to lose my voice in AZ, but since being in Utah for the past 2 years this is like the 4th time!! This was the worst though. There were times when I would open my mouth to talk and absolutely nothing would come out! I could manage a few squeaks and croaks every now and then. I feel like I somewhat understand what it would be like to be mute. So frustrating! Luckily, at Book Club AnnMarie was so kind as to be my voice when I had things to say. Thank you, AnnMarie! And luckily, I didn't have to teach on Friday--I was in on all day math class instead. The lack of voice got me out of speaking in front of the whole group though. That's a positive.

And though St. Patrick's Day 2009 is now gone and passed, I meant to post this that day. It's a survey that one of my 1st grade students took. They each wrote their own survey questions and gathered data about other kids in our class. I laughed so hard at this! It says, "Do you like Mrs. Allred or a Leprechaun?"

At least I got the majority!
Barb said...

I love little chidren and their creativeness and honesty! I am glad your voice is better now, Laura. : )

AnneMarie said...

Glad to be your voice at book club! Hopefully losing your voice in Utah won't be some sort of continual occurrence--but at least you got out of talking in the math class!

Class and Sass said...

That would be awesome!!!! Miss you!!

Nate & Emily said...

Its crazy what kids come up with! Creative little suckers! I might have had to think when taking this survey! Hmmm... which one! :)
By the way, I love the chicken's soon to be new home!
And tell Kyler thanks for letting me "video" him! Hope you guys get better fast!

Jenna Allen said...

Ah ha ha! Love the survey!