March 11, 2009

Never Say Never

I was thinking today of all the things I promised myself I would never do . . .
I told myself I would NEVER highlight my hair. And I was sure that I would NEVER move to Utah. I would NEVER actually have chickens as pets. I would NEVER by choice put mayonnaise on a sandwich. And I would NEVER let my son tuck in his shirt and wear his pants quite so high. Hmmm. I've done all of them.

I guess it's true, never say never!
mommy said...

You crack me up Laura.

Jenna Allen said...

haha -- but the realy question is: WHY???
Especially about the pants. What happened??

Barb said...

When you say never you only set yourself up for disappointment, although I don't think any of those things you mentioned are disappointing, I love mayonnaise, and highlighting my hair!!