December 15, 2010

Not Into It Right Now

E: You can go read for a few minutes before bed.
Kacin: No, I'm just going to go to sleep. I don't like reading.
E: How come you don't like reading books?
K: I just don't.
E: But you get to use your imagination and learn new things when you read. Well, how are you going to learn things?
K: I'll still learn.
E: Well, how?
K: I'll ask you!

I heard the boys raising their voices at each other the other day.
Kacin: Kyler, do you want to throw the ball right now?
Kyler: (so engrossed in reading it takes him a minute to respond) No.
Kacin: All you do is read!!
Kyler: Well why do you never read?!

It's just not his thing right now.
He'll read with someone or when he's forced to,
but it's never been his choice.
We're hoping that
maybe someday {soon}
he'll find the joys of reading . . .
Until then,
he's getting really good at throwing a ball.
Stefanie Hyer said...

Well. You can tell Kacin that Bryce loves to play with a ball, but also loves reading! He loves to watch "your baby can read" videos and learn new things and how to read them! He also LOVES to read books! So Kacin better get to practicing so when he comes to visit us he can read a book to Bryce! Bryce would love that!

nancy said...

Kacin is right. He usually asks all the questions. He is a smart kid to come up with that statement as a comback.