December 9, 2010

A Letter to the Man in Red

Dear Santa,
We enjoyed seeing you at daddy's work party. Thank you so much for the harmonica's and candy canes! We love them and play them all the time. They are cool. We're so excited that you're going to come on Christmas. We will make you cookies. Do you like chocolate chip or gingerbread men? Can we please each have a desk and silly bands? And can our desks have a lamp on it and drawers? Kyler wants Geronimo Stilton books, please. Maybe in the drawer or something. Kacin wants scissors or art stuff please (in my drawers.) We think you are a cool guy. Thank you!!

Kyler and Kacin

per Kyler
P.S. Can mommy have a lamp for the piano, please? And can daddy have Harry Potter stuff, please?
Stefanie Hyer said...

Awe! What a cute picture! Love it!

The Kovar Family said...

Cute picture!

Barb said...

No one told me E wants Harry Potter stuff. . . Love your true story, as usual, Lo!

Pattie said...

Ho ho ho! Love the picture!