December 26, 2010

Celebrate Kacin!

The little man is 6 years old today.
He celebrated with his first friends birthday party last week. He wanted to have a Pirate party. We dressed like pirates and gave ourselves pirate names, played pin the eye patch on the pirate and Captain Says, read a Pirate story, went on a treasure hunt, had cake and ice cream, and then improvised with a few more Pirate games until parents came to pick up. Kacin had so much fun being the birthday boy and planning the party.
At his school, they have a birthday circle for each child. They light a candle in the middle of the circle and place namecards for the months of the year around the candle. The birthday child holds a globe in his hands and stands by his birthday month. Then they turn him 1 by singing a song as he walks once around the circle. He shows everyone a picture when he was one and explains somethings he was doing when he was that age. Then we turn him 2 by singing again as he walks around the circle. Then he shows a picture of himself when he was two, and so on. He loved having this special birthday ceremony.
And then I got pretty sick today and so didn't take any pictures on his actual birthday. But Eric made his birthday meal for lunch--belgian waffles. Kacin blew out 6 candles stuck in a scoop of ice cream and he had fun playing with his birthday gifts all afternoon (while I slept most of the day away). He was so sweet about it though. I'm so glad that Kacin is my son and that he's growing up to be such a fun and clever little boy. Happy Birthday, Kacin!
Stefanie Hyer said...

Wow! He is looking and getting so much older! Don't worry though Laura, he still has QUITE a ways to go! That party looks sooo cool! Good job! AND he actually looks like a pirate... is that a tooth missing I see??? =)