January 25, 2009


I was recently called to work with the Young Women at church (with the Mia-Maids). I am so excited for this experience! I think after 5 years in the primary, I was just ready for a change. I have such great memories of being in Young Women's so I am extremely happy about being there again, but of course this time as a "leader". I have to say that I don't feel much like a leader--we have some strong, awesome girls in the ward and I think I've already learned more from them than they have from me! We had a stake fireside for the youth last week where they introduced the new YW/YM theme for the year-- "Be Thou An Example of the Believers" (1 Timothy 4:12). Today I was watching the videos from the new youth website of the A Brand New Year youth celebration. It is so powerful to know that youth from all over the world will be focusing on this theme together. It is so inspired and I know that it is exactly what we need to focus on. I'm so grateful for the young women's program! And that I get to regularly have some type of adult, female conversation again. :)
Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha! I know what you mean... I am gonna post on that subject...read.