January 22, 2009

Ode to Eric

I think it's a well known fact that Eric is the smartest, most attractive man ever, but here's a few more reasons why E is absolutely amazing. First of all, he is a basketball star. As I am writing this, he is off playing in his 5th game in a week and a half. Not to mention, he's been the ref in 2 other games. Between playing with some friends in a city league thing (I'm so basketball tech-y) and church ball he has been non-stop and committed. We even watched him score a few points on Saturday. . . Man, can he jump or what? Go, Eric!

Here's another reason why Eric is everyone's hero (well, at least he's mine because it was my money and car he saved). Well, my car (Fondly known as The Green Beast) died on Mon. while I was on the way to the library. I was pulling up to a stop sign a few blocks and away and the engine just died. Eric left work early (what sacrifice!) and helped me get the car home (He really would be a super hero if he had succeeded in pushing it home the whole way, but he only got a few yards before using his smarts and getting the tow rope out. Don't worry, I don't think any less of him for it). So then Eric came up with this fantastic plan. And so maybe I was a bit doubtful about it (I like to call it cautious). But I will proudly declare that The Green Beast was brought back to life at 11:00pm on Wednesday! Single-handedly, Eric, (with some advice from his pretty cool father-in-law), discovered the cause of death and revived The Green Beast by replacing the fuel pump. I was impressed when he woke me up at 11:30pm to tell me it worked. I was especially impressed when I found out he saved us over $300!

Just a few of the reasons why Eric is so wonderful!
Barb said...

Oh, Laura, I am inclined to agree, Eric is an amazing man, and he is a hero to me cause he makes you happy and treats you so well.

Barb said...

He does resemble Abe if you look at him closely, sideways, with your eyes crossed. . .

Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha, is he being compared to Abe Lincoln?? Wow, he sounds amazing!

Cheryl said...

I stopped and talked to Eric for a quick minute just before he began the fuel pump project. I'm not so sure he was sure he could do it either! But isn't that exciting to accomplish something like that? Way to go, Mr. Mechanic.