May 9, 2010

From Mom To Me

My mother. creative. full of life. caring. patient.

She has given me many things over the years.
In no particular order,
these are some life lessons that will forever stand out:

1. Don't be afraid to get messy. she led us in playing "Double Dare" outside and squirting ketchup and other condiments on each others heads. she gave us ample time to play in the mud. she put dishsoap on the kitchen floor so we could slip and slide around and under the kitchen table. she let us vigorously shake a soda bottle and take off the lid just to see what would happen (and it did explode all over the kitchen ceiling).

2. Furniture is for climbing and flipping and jumping on. Because we were gymnasts and dancers and the reclining chair made a perfect vault and the event "couch" was my favorite.

3. Be yourself. wear what you'd like. fashion your hair how you feel. rearrange your room and rearrange again. recognize your talents and strengths and grow them. choose for yourself.

4. Talk about it. 4 girls. Lots of drama. And somehow, someway mom always had patience and time to talk and work out any ridiculous "problem".

5. Live and enjoy. walk barefooted. dance in the rain. roll the windows down as you drive down a dirt road. celebrate.

6. Serve. eachother. rub someone's back. get up even when you feel tired and help someone with what they're doing. cookies and treats are for sharing with your neighbors. give what you have. 

7. Make the best of it. even if you live in a teeny-tiny house in a dodgy neighborhood and your bedroom is actually the living room so each night you drag your pile of blankets out of the closet, unroll them and sleep on the floor. no complaints. keep positive. she did.

8. Go on fieldtrips. museums. parks. libraries. just go. and talk and sing in the car.

9. Support. attend gymnastic meets, concerts, swim meets, t-ball games. encourage your kids to make their own movies and plays and dances and kitchen concoctions.

10. Love. cuddle. hold. hug. kiss. take time. sing lullabies. smile. be patient.

The mom in me is way more frustrated, impatient, controlling,
and an avoider of messes
(was it really me who just got rid of all the playdoh in the house?!).
As I've reflected on my mom
and my happy childhood and my fond memories,
I am committing myself today
to take these lessons a little more to heart
and try a little harder to be a little more like
the wonderful mom I was blessed with.

Thanks, mom, for teaching these things
to me.
Stefanie Hyer said...

And to me! I am so glad that our mom taught us all those things, but I especially like the fact that it is okay to make messes and enjoy life, and not spend your time being worried or stressing yourself out over something that doesn't even matter in the long run, a mess.

Darcee said...

No wonder you are so awesome!

Happy Mother's Day!

Barb said...

You are living proof that it was worth it! (even when it wasn't quite so much fun, a rare time!)
Love you!

Cheryl said...

Barb, this is a message for you. I knew there was a reason I loved you!!! I love your parenting style, it obviously paid off with great dividends. I wish so badly Laura still lived nearby so we could squirt ketchup on each other's and our kids heads this summer. Maybe I'll have to go visit her just to do that! Thanks for telling the world those things are okay.

chelsea :: stock said...

are you kidding?

all things I have noticed and learned from you.

looks like you are JUST like your mother.

Barb said...

Lolo, Thank you for writing all those memories for me to read and remember, I have not been that woman lately. Everything has dragged me down and I had forgotten to celebrate. You are an inspiration and a joy to know.
Cheryl, let me know when you are going, I want to pour some catsup again!!