May 3, 2010


Doing what though?
Sometimes I feel like we've been running a mile a minute,
but at the end of the day I'm not always sure what we've done.
We're just busy.

Kacin is busy helping me bake treats and cook dinner, spinning in circles, counting down the days until he gets his cast off, going to Montessori preschool 3 mornings a week, playing cars, racing on Mario Kart, "homeschool"-ing with me, enjoying cuddles and hugs, trying to be silly just to make everyone laugh, jumping on the trampoline, and bugging his brother.

Kyler is busy going to kindergarten, doing homework, practicing the glockenspiel and waiting anxiously until he can be practicing the piano, reading Henry and Mudge books, playing with friends, watching Smurfs episodes, quoting Smurfs episodes, building with legos, rolling his eyes at me, playing soccer, writing in his journal, and making plans.

I am busy volunteering in classrooms 3 mornings a week, cooking meals, cleaning house, but avoiding the bathrooms, dealing with infertility doctors and treatments again, teaching YW lessons and attending week night activities, nagging Eric to help me buy a piano and a rocking chair, reading, trying to exercise more often, and playing with two little boys at the park.

Eric is busy exercising each morning (the dedication!), spending long hours at work, getting a raise because he's so awesome at his work, watching the Suns games, dealing with the man who has been fixing our toilet, reading and playing with the boys, reading with me, teaching sunday school lessons, working on our garden and in the yard, and making yummy rolls.

Busy living.
Stefanie Hyer said...

life is busy! I love it!

nancy said...

Sound like fun to me!

Pattie said...

Sounds like you all need a nap!

mommy said...

:) i love you laura!