October 16, 2009

Fall Break

This week off of school allowed us to have a few adventures in not so hot weather (we're talking temperatures only in the 80's here!) . . .

I took my boys to one of my favorite places my mom used to take us when we were little--Hole in the Rock. We hiked to the top and enjoyed the view.

Arizona Science Center!

We also visited the zoo, worked on Halloween costumes, and watched the original Star Wars trilogy.

Kyler's favorite part was watching Star Wars (even though there were a few sleepless nights between watching the first and the last episode--let's just say he was very concerned about the well-being of the galaxy, Darth Vader's salvation, and those wickedly cool light sabers).

Kacin's favorite was the AZ Science Center because he got to touch a lot of buttons.
Barb said...

I am so with Kacin on the button pushing!!!

Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha, button pushing can be alot of fun! I had alot of fun at the Science center! Thanks for inviting!

Cheryl said...

Just about two days ago Daniel and Cheyenne were having a light saber battle. Actually, Cheyenne had a light saber and Daniel was using the princess wand that you found somewhere for Girls' Camp. Anyway, I commented to Dale that it is still amazing to me that I went to see a little movie back in 1977, and now my children are playing games based on that same movie in 2009. How weird is that? I'm glad Kyler enjoyed it.

Barb said...

It is funny that Kyler is going to be a character on Halloween from a movie I saw when I was younger than my youngest child! I saw it 13 times in the theater, and countless times since. I DO not like the 3 later made episodes.