September 15, 2009

Staying Active

Our days are filled with swimming, running, and biking . . .

It is sooo much more fun now that the boys are swimming (well, at least they can get around on their own now) and I don't have to worry about them . . . as much.

I've been making myself get up early and go running in the mornings.
Kacin got some "tie shoes" and so he woke up around 5:30am to join me. It made for some grumpies later, but it was fun having him with me once around the block. I'm excited for when he gets older and can really come with me!

We discovered the canal trail, and have some sweet babysitters now, so we've spent the last few Saturday mornings riding bikes.
When we first got our bikes awhile ago, it was torture to ride for 15 min. We went 20 miles last Saturday. For some, that would be nothing. For me, it was a proud moment.
Jacob and Meredith Hammond said...

Your little Kacin melts my heart! He is so adorable!

AnneMarie said...


Stefanie Hyer said...

HA!! For me, ONE mile is a great accomplishment! =) 5 even more! But 20, you are amazing, and a hero! =)