September 25, 2009

Are You Joking?!

Did you hear the one about the boy who got a promotion? Yeah, he moved his family from Utah to Arizona. And right when they were getting settled, 3 days before their closing date on their new house, he was asked to relocate again! This time to Washington!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Well, the laughter is mixed with a lot of tears. And even more confusion and debate about what to do.
We did make our decision though, and hope that it is the best one for our family.
We are heading to Washington!

These last few days of utter turmoil and distress (exaggeration? I think not.) have taught us a few things about life.

*Don't tell yourself that you plan on being somewhere for at least 5 years. Shoot for 6 months and then you'll be happy if you make it longer.
*You don't need all your stuff (because it's in storage) or a big house to be happy. You just need your family, some creativity, and a good attitude.
*Your decisions always effect other people. That has been the hardest thing about this decision. The poor family that we were buying the house from had just moved out when we got the word about our relocation. It was the hardest thing to make the decision to back out of the house and accept the position in Washington. I cry for them and pray that things will work out for the best for their family.
*The father (in this case, Eric) is the head of the house. He can be trusted to make wise decisions for the family (with guidance and support from the wife).
*Have patience!
*This is a good talk that helped us as we made our decision: Revelation 
*When you think you've already learned your lesson to trust in the Lord, you've really only begun to scratch the surface.
*DQ coupons (buy one get one free blizzards!) are very nice.

When we talked with the boys about the move to Washington, Kyler's first question was "Do they speak English there?" Since that question, we have spent a lot of time on google earth and looking at videos and pictures of our new state. We have a few more months before the move, so for now, we will be enjoying our time in Arizona and anxiously awaiting the start of a new adventure.
Darcee said...

So glad you arrived at a decision. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but I'm sure you're still being led and guided and things will work out beautifully for you. Hugs!!

Pattie said...

Oh my gosh! That is insane. I am in I'm sure you were. Where in Washington are you going? Seattle area, right?

Megan said...

I lived in Washington all summer in 2008. It's so beautiful, and I would move there again. Where will you be living? You are a strong person, and the Lord must have a great plan for you and your wonderful family! Good Luck! Shoot me an e-mail sometime so we can catch up!

Bret said...

Are you kidding me? Oh man, right when I thought you guys were here to stay and we would be able to hang out with your family now you're leaving?! Wow, I read your post hoping somewhere you would reveal the joke and that it wasn't true. You guys are awesome and will be able to do it again with a grin. That is crazy- I need to call Eric for the details and you guys must come by before you leave!

Hcatt and Jdogg said...

Wow! What a surprise! What part of Washington will you be in? It is so beautiful there. Good luck with the packing and the move.

Cheryl said...

Okay, that got a loud "Oh, my goodness!" as I read your blog. You can never actually predict life, can you?? I hate that most of the time. But I'm so grateful for amazing families like yours that teach me so much. I want to have an attitude like yours. I hope it is a grand adventure on every level. I'll look forward to future blog updates with the details.

Beckstrand7 said...

WOW! Another surprise. The Lord knows what He's doing, and even though it's tough on us, it's worth it. Thank goodness we don't have to make decisions like that without His help! God bless.

Stefanie Hyer said...

Yes, and a new adventure it will be!! I will miss you so!!!

Jacob and Meredith Hammond said...

How exciting! Thank you for sharing that article on revelation! Believe it or not it was actually an answer to my prayers... (who would have thought a blog could do that??? :-))

AnneMarie said...

I'm with Cheryl on the out loud response to your post! Wow! So many decisions and changes in your life, but they are obviously for a reason. Where in Washington will you be living? My sister lived in the Seattle area for a few years and really liked it.

Will you still be in AZ at Thanksgiving? We'll be there and hope to see you while we're in town--if you're in town that is!

mommy said...

Okay, HOLY COW. That's so cool. Washington is the best, after all. What city will you be in? When can we come visit you?