September 15, 2009

Can't Find Me!

It's the game we play. Kacin and I will be reading books or playing cars. Kacin may jump up and shout "Can't find me!" and run as fast as he can to some secret hiding place. Or maybe I emerge from my room and Kacin is "missing". Where could he be?I love my 4 year old. It's always the same, but it's never the same. He may be hiding under the bed, again. But from the delight on his face and his booming laughter, it's like it's the first time. Ah, the sweet joys of life.
Barb said...

Oh, Laura, that is why we "put up" with everything else, those child joys.

Jenna said...

Ah, ha! Cute. :)

Stefanie Hyer said...

Awe that is so cute, and so much fun.. kids! =) I can't wait for my little Bryce to have more interaction! He is really cute now dont get me wrong, he will also be fun when he does more too =)

Pattie said...

Owen just looked at your blog with me. "Kyler, Kacin, Okay!", was what he said.