September 2, 2009

A Late Night Snack . . .

Setting: Before family scriptures, 6:30 am; Kacin cuddling on my lap, Kyler snuggling on my left.

The Conversation:
Me: Kyler, did you wake Kacin up this morning?
Kyler: No! He was already awake. I saw him picking his nose, so I told him to stop.
Kacin (all smiles): In the night time, when I get hungry, I pick my nose! My picking my nose are food. Picking my nose is good!!
Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha, nasty child! =) Maybe you should leave a light snack next to his bed, just in case =)

Barb said...

He is one of millions of children who think the same thing!
But, have you had him checked for worms?

AnneMarie said...

oooo yuck! Sometimes boys can just be gross. Unfortunately they don't grow all the way out of it--I think my 19 yr old has reverted to some of his toddler habits...

mommy said...

That is disgusting.

Elaine said...

How honest is he!