August 12, 2009

First Days

Off to Pre-K. . .
How excited can you get? Yesterday, he did his own hair and packed up his backpack and begged and begged to go to preschool. He jumped right in at the "Grocery store" in the dramatic play area when I dropped him off and was good to go for the rest of the afternoon.
It was amazing, when he came home we munched on a snickerdoodle and he told me all about his day--the books he read, what he played with, the teacher put another kid in timeout . . . Kacin doesn't usually share things with us--he always left that to Kyler and just told us he didn't remember so I'm so glad that he opened up . . . Ahh, the power of snickerdoodles!!
While Kacin was at school, I went on a date with a cute boy. We walked around the mall, studied the paintings in the Thomas Kinkade store (Kyler scored a free postcard), bought a few gummy candies from the candy store, and pretended to ride the bull. The rest of the afternoon we spent getting his backpack and lunchbox ready, reading, and coloring. It was so nice to spend some one-on-one time.

Off to Kindergarten . . .
Yesterday, we saw a range of emotions about Kindergarten--tears, "I'm not going!!", "I'm excited"--back and forth. I am happy he woke up on the excited side. He was dressed and had brushed his teeth before I even got back from my early morning run. We got him to school with a few minutes to play on the playground. At the sound of the bell, he lined up with his class at their door. When they started walking in, he gave the cutest "Bye Mommy!" Then, he was gone. Until 2:30 pm. I held up ok. And happy little Kacin and I had a lot of fun at the park, the mall, and eating lunch with Eric. During Kyler's first-day-of-school treat, he told us all about his new friend who wore the Alvin and the Chipmunks shirt and who has the same backpack as him, his lunch, his projects he worked on, and all the fun he had.
I think we are off to a good start!

Stefanie Hyer said...

Awe they are so cute! I am so proud of them, and you, good job! It is also so great that they get one on one time with you!

AnneMarie said...

Great post about first days! I love it! I'm so glad you guys are getting settled in and the boys are excited about school.

Jacob and Meredith Hammond said...

Way to go! You are such a great mom! I love reading Kacin and Kyler stories - they are a riot!

Jenna Allen said...

Yay! Glad you held up.
Although, as your sister I have to warn you that some of those pics (such as Kyler disappearing into the classroom) look disturbingly like stalker pictures...

Pattie said...

You made it! They are both in school, you are in one piece, and also had lots of neat things planned for your one-on-one time with each of them, as well as after school. You are truly amazing, Laura!

Cheryl said...

Wow, they grew up overnight. They are going to have fun; you are going to have fun; and together you will all be enjoying this new lifestyle. It'll be fun to watch the blog 'cause I'm sure there will be some school artwork to display and stories to tell. Thanks for sharing.