June 14, 2009

All in a Week's Time . . .

Our visit to the Valley of the Sun ended up being pretty busy. And I thought I'd have nothing to do while Eric was working . . .

Our week consisted of (in no particular order) . . .

*Lots of swimming at our hotel

*A nice visit with Eric's parents and sister

*Looking at about 30 houses, putting offers on 2, and ending up with nothing

*Lots of time for Kyler and Kacin to spend with Grandma Barb and Grandpa Brent being spoiled and having fun. Kyler loved to take naps with his Grandpa, even though it really just consisted of watching a lot of TV. (Thank you SO much for watching them when we needed it!!)

*Seeing Jacqui perform as a cheerleader in High School Musical at Broadway Palms dinner theater (As you can see, Kacin did a lot of watching! Ha ha. As soon as he ate 2 plates of food and dessert and the play started, he fell soundly asleep)

*A KFC picnic on the truck with Jenny because my mom won KFC gift certificates from the radio (Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner)
*Making cookies with Natalie, but never feeding the ducks (maybe next time)
*A lovely trip to the Zoo. We all loved the train ride and Monkey village where you get to be in the cage with the cute, squirrel monkeys
Can you spy the monkeys??
I think the water play area was my mom's favorite . . .

*Dairy Queen Blizzards! Real Dairy Queen!

*A "plane ride" to Greece (The sisters planned a date night and the guys were in for quite the night). We rode on an "airplane" in Jacqui's living room, ate peanuts, and watched the beautiful sights of Greece out of our "window" (aka the TV). We exited the plane and decked out in Greek toga's (of sorts). We ate gyros and greek salad. We made clay sculptures.
Eric's tongue is sticking out--which means he is concentrating
Finally, we participated in the "Didn't Quite Make it to the Real Olympics" Couples Competition. We had exciting events and a few injuries. There was Bottom Balancing (on the big exercise ball), The Blow (keep the cupcake holder in the air), Bobsledding (on the longboards), Chariot Racing (piggyback), Javelin Throw (throw the skewer the farthest), Frog Throw (fun with velcro).

The gold medalists were Aaron and Jenny. The silver went to Jacqui and Josh. Bronze medalists were Tyson and Stefanie. We won't mention who came in last . . .
Cj-Sg said...

Hey friends we heard you are moving back woohoo(or your already back) We're super excited and think you should buy in Gilbert somewhere around old town Gilbert by us!


Cheryl said...

You guys are so fun! It makes me want to take a "plane ride" to Greece since it might be a long time before I really make it. I'm glad you made such great memories there. It probably helps you look forward to getting back soon. I wish you continued good luck with the house hunt.

AnneMarie said...

Sounds like a ton of fun (well, except you didn't get a house yet). It's cool to get to spend time with you sisters (I wish mine didn't live so far away) and parents. I ditto Cheryl in continued luck with the house hunt.

Stefanie Hyer said...

We sooo would have fun... Jenny and Aaron cheated on 2 events!! :)