May 10, 2009

Mom's Day

Since being married, Mother's Day has held a lot of emotions for me. Those first few years it was the most dreaded of celebrations. Not that I don't love and appreciate my own mom (and now my mother-in-law who raised an amazing Eric), but because of the blatant reminder it was to how badly Eric and I wanted to be parents, and that wasn't happening for us then. I hated going to church that day. I hated trying to be happy for other young moms when I wasn't.
I know, I was . . . angry, sad, frustrated, bitter . . . all of the above. But it's the truth. That's how I felt.

Before we even knew about the boys, and over time (after a lot of prayer and scripture reading and priesthood blessings), I came to find peace and understanding. I could celebrate motherhood and be happy for others again.

Really, the only negative thoughts I had last Mother's day were over the fact we got flowers instead of chocolate at church! :)

SO this Mother's Day was my first as being a MOM.
A mom to two of the most silly, cuddly, energetic, loving boys who I absolutely LOVE completely.
And this Mother's Day also held a lot of emotion. I remembered all the sadness the day used to bring. And felt sad for anyone to whom might feel how I used to.
But I also felt JOY. Lots of it!

I woke up to the sounds of clanging in the kitchen, boys arguing, an oven timer going off, boys yelling, a threaten of a spanking . . . and I SMILED. I just lay there and enjoyed it all.
Only a few minutes later, the boys were jumping on my bed telling me about a SURPRISE breakfast downstairs! They knew they had tricked me. :)
I was delighted with the heart-shaped biscuits, eggs, and bacon.

During Sacrament meeting at church, all of the primary children sang to us. So what if Kyler and Kacin did more standing and staring than singing!! I just watched them up there and felt so proud of them and so grateful to have them both as my children. It was a beautiful moment.
(On a side note, Kyler also gave his first talk in primary today! Another proud mommy moment.)

The afternoon brought a little reading and napping and a LONG walk. It was a perfect day to spend some time outside.

Finally, we made some Mother's Day sugar cookies.
We cut out some people and star shapes.
But my favorite was tracing Kacin and Kyler's hands. There has to be some kind of children hand-print gift on Mother's Day. Mine just happened to get all decorated with frosting and eaten up.
Kacin's hand (left) and Kyler's hand (right)

Happy Mother's Day!
Barb said...

I think a public Mother's day should be banned, even as a mother of adorable girls, I always felt awkward and lacking when the "holiday" came around. I hated that family HAD to show their affection and love for me, in, truth, my family showed it almost every day. Not to say that I didnot appreciate and enjoy those breakfasts and gifts and attempts at being good for the day, but it was still awkward. I am SO SO happy that you had a giggly, loving day, you deserve it!!! (I think I just wrote my blog on your comments.)

Darcee said...

I thought of you often yesterday and how surely you must be having your best mother's day yet! So happy for you!

Cheryl said...

Way to go, Eric! The breakfast looked great, and it looks like you made it a great day for Laura. I'm sure she'll reciprocate on Father's Day. And really, could those boys be any cuter????

Nate & Emily said...

Happy first offical Mom's Day! Sorry you got flowers... we got Cheesecake! (even chocolate cheesecake!)
I love the heart shape biscuits and the hand shapped cookies! Looks like you had a great day! Good work boys!

Jenna Allen said...

Hmmm. That seems really wrong to me to eat your children's hands for mother's day... :)
But other than that--- I'm so happy for you. I love you!

AnneMarie said...

Love the handprint cookies! Clever, clever...

Holly Janeen said...

yay :)
that was the best post ever!