May 21, 2009

Goodbye, Katie the Jeep!

My jeep.
My high-school years, four-wheeling at Sycamore and Butcher Jones, named by Seth after that country music song, driven by many, stalling in the middle of intersections, good and dirty, fun times jeep.
She's gone.
Now driven by a guy who gave us the cash he won gambling at Wendover over the weekend.
Hope he takes good care of her. She can climb near anything.
Just needs a little fixing up.
Goodbye, Katie!
Pattie said...

Must be those 2 young men that were looking at her last night. They looked like mechanics.....maybe they can restore her and give her an awesome retirement. It's always hard to say goodbye to things from our past.

Barb said...

I am feeling sentimental and a bit sad also, but of course we can't hold on to everything. . . I loved that jeep, I was sad when we "graduated" to the yellow jeep, open is better for climbing in the desert. However, Katie gave me much worry when you were driving her, I was always scared that someone when kidnap you when you stopped at a light or a corner. When you all nearly turned her over trying to climb a hill was a always to be remembered fright! Goodbye, and yeah that she will still have life!

Holly Janeen said...

good ol' jeep.

Jenna Allen said...

I like your poem!

Stefanie Hyer said...

This is truly a sad day.... I will miss her! I had so many good times... I learned to drive in that thing!!!