April 30, 2009


The chickens got out of their coop because the bottom door wasn't latched properly.
Kyler was fearless and saved the day!
He rescued each chicken before they pooped too much on our patio and furniture.
Just a clip of the Kyler/Kacin Chicken Rescuing Duo
(in all actuality, they were just rescuing ME from the chickens).

I don't really know if anyone (except maybe my mom) would really be interested in watching both clips in their entirety, but the last part of the 2nd clip is a chase scene (you may just want to fast forward to that).

mommy said...

It still cracks me up that you guys have chickens.

Barb said...

So so fun to watch, Super Kyler and his brave sidekick Kacin to the rescue! Cause we know Laura wasn't going after them, she is her Mother's daughter. . .

AnneMarie said...

I love it that your boys rescued you! (and the clips were great)a

Stefanie Hyer said...

Hey, I very much enjoyed watching those clips! We don't get to see you guys and your life up there very often, so its great to see a video every now and then! Great job to Kyler, and helper Kacin! Yes, we all know Laura is scared of birds, chickens... anything that moves at you! :)

Jenna Allen said...

Ha! I didn't see every inch of the videos, but most, and my favorite part was when Kacin nearly killed the chicken!

Natalie said...

That was funny!!!
They did a good job!! I would be terrified!

Nate & Emily said...

Your chickens are huge! I loved watching Kyler chase that chicken... which chicken was it? Wasn't there one named speed racer or something? I bet chicken nugget would have been the easiest to catch! :)
I love the chicken coop!! Good job Eric!