December 5, 2022

Back to school 2022

School was back in session by the end of July. Some friends in other states and countries were just getting out of school for the summer and there we were getting back into the swing of school schedules. I don't mind. I love our modified year round schedule.

Kacin started his senior year! 

I can not believe that my little Kacin is not so little anymore. He has grown into such an amazing man, and I am full of love and pride when I think of him.

He quit wrestling (break my heart!!) and has decided to focus on working. He puts a lot of hours in at the DQ. He doesn't stick with a clique and is a friend to many. He is easygoing and fun. We have worked so hard on our relationship this year and as I write this (in December), I am so happy to say that we have made great strides in our communication and relationship. And that makes me the happiest. He is doing well in school this year and taking time for things that matter the most to him--sports, God, and people. He plans to leave on his mission just as soon as he graduates. He doesn't fight us too much when we ask him to watch his siblings and help around the house. He is such a hardworker when he puts his mind to it.

Senior year means child backpack. I don't have energy to have any feelings one way or the other about his choice in backpack. Here he is showing off that Frozen theme.

Coolest kid around. Somehow he convinced us to let him get his motorcycle license. And now he rides his motorcycle to school.

Perry started 6th grade!!

This is his last year at the elementary school he has attended since we moved here. The autism program has been such a great match for him. He LOVES school. He is doing homework now. He works hard on all his work. He loves friends, the routine, and pretty much everything about being at school. He walks himself out to the bus when it comes to our house.

He still loves his screen time. But also spends equal amounts of time listening to books on audible. He loves his dog Millie and doing anything with the deacons quorum at church. He takes all of his church responsibilities very seriously. We love this sweet boy with everything in us!

Layla is in 5th grade!

There couldn't be a sweeter, more thoughtful girl. She is easygoing and confident in herself. She knows who she is. She is a great friend to everyone. She is brave and willing to try new and hard things. She is involved in aerial, piano and music theater. She has discovered a love of baking. She loves being a big sister and plays beautifully with her sister. She keeps a messy room. But is such a creative, imaginative soul. She is working on developing an enjoyment for books. 

The light within her shines and brings out her natural beauty.

Brinn is in Pre-K!

Her little backpack is the size of her.

We opted for one more year of preschool before sending her to Kindergarten. She goes to school 3 full days a week and that has been such a great transition for her. She catches on quickly to academics. And continues to be a spunky, independent, sweet girl. She has this creative, impulsive brain that keeps her covered in marker and her hair has been cut more than once by her own scissors ("for fun"). She loves with all of her heart and soul and shows it. She is full of drama and her acting skills surpass any I have seen at such a young age. She is in gymnastics, dance, and started out the year in lets play music.

We are grateful for safe schools, good teachers, and all of the opportunities to learn and grow.