December 27, 2022

beautiful art

We spent some time in the church history museum, and I took a few minutes to walk around the art exhibit by myself. 

I have no art education, but I do know what I like and how looking at something makes me feel. These were some of my favorite pieces:

I love the colors, the overall feel, and then the longer you look the more details you notice. I especially love the hidden words.

I really love the layers of this. And all the meanings associated with it.

I think this one is profound, entitled "sense of oneness." But sometimes we build barriers and have tunnel vision in our own lives so we don't see the life of the person next to us.

This one first got me just because I love books so much.

But I LOVE this caption. We each have a story. We would do well to read each others narratives more often.

This picture of Jesus is amazing! It's so beautiful. I really like the expression in his I see a bit of excitement to come again to us?

Unique beauty in each butterfly....we each emerge from our chrysalis different yet strikingly lovely.

It is such a simple house, but the story behind it is powerful. It is entitled "The house where the spirit was strong."

Of course I loved this family hug!

The boy trusting his mom and the mom trusting God. Their arms clinging each other. Powerful.

This one is so peaceful and lovely.

This one was hugs and so cool!

This last one is entitled prayers. I think it is powerful.

I so enjoyed the time I had to explore the musuem.