December 16, 2022

August little things

A huge part of August was sending our Kyler off to the mtc and adjusting to the new school year. But there were still plenty of smaller things that filled our days and time.

I love finding this picture of Perry. He kept pulling his braces off every time he got mad so I think he had to have them put back on two or three times in a matter of months. But each time he would make it a little longer and now he is well adjusted to them (mostly).

Lots of time hanging out together before Kyler left. All these little moments were just so precious.

These girls wrote and performed a drama filled with dance, music, and acting. This was a moment in the story when she found the daughter. I think the story line was that the daughter got hit by a car and eventually died but became an angel. It was a real emotional story.

Rare moments when I appreciate having a dog. (rare for me because I'm still not on board with this! but I try)

90s day at our ballroom dance practice party. We opted for a late 90s look. This was literally my shirt from Jr High.

Layla sang "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" with a group of girls in sacrament meeting.

I spoke in stake conference the same week Kyler left on his mission. It was a talk that basically wrote itself because I felt God's hand and direction in the whole thing. I was grateful for the opportunity to speak at the adult session. I was sitting between two amazing people and I loved hearing their inspirational stories. I'm grateful for opportunities to do hard things. And this is probably the only time in my life I will be quoted on social media! hahaha
Kind of for her birthday and kind of just because we went on a mommy daughter river run. I love that these girls have known each other since they were born (all just weeks apart from each other).