November 30, 2022

July little things

Perry loved spending his summer with camp challenge.

Brinna loved swim lessons. The drive to mesa is a bit much some days but it’s worth it to work with coach Kim.

Always lots of new pictures on the white board.

I spent all my time and free time focusing on yoga yea her training. I loved every second of it and saw such a positive change in my life.

Snuggles with my Perry boy.

Kacin made it home from Costa Rica!! We are so glad he was able to go on this trip and had such an incredible time.

He gave me a brief tour of his high school.

Layla had more swim meets.

We got really into America’s Got Talent. Brinna found a hiding place.

Kyler’s missionary tags arrived!! It got real.

Kacin showed off his fruit cutting skills he acquired in Costa Rica. I love it!

Couplers river run!

Eric brushed out Kacin’s curls. Poof!

Eric was teasing Perry at breakfast. Perry is super attached to his dad now and I’m so happy. They worked hard on that relationship.

I snuck a picture of one of Kyler’s last hangouts with friends.

Layla took up the violin in orchestra at school.

Brinna started another year of let’s play music.

A beautiful summer evening!

That sums up the little adventures of July.