December 31, 2022

on the last day of 2022

Brinna crept into our room this morning at 7:45am. She tiptoed to our bed and peeked her eyes over the edge. Then she crowed.

"Cock-a doodle-do!" 

I didn't know if I should laugh out loud or cover my face with my pillow.

The last day of 2022 is coming to a close.  

How does time go so quickly? The older I get the faster we move through each year. 

SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED this year. Yet I blinked and it was over.

2022: costa rica, 4 trips to disneyland, my mom passed away, my dad moved in and moved out, yoga teacher training and upper level training, extended family drama, camping trips, ballroom dance lessons and a competition, ballroom "warrior" showcase, eric taught at GCU, organizing girls camp, a new dog, kyler's graduation, hawaii, new york, brightly living launched, substitute teaching, art masterpiece, lots of hiking, new friends and deepening friendships with old friends, Layla's music theater and aerial classes, Brinn's gymnastics and dance, new callings at church, speaking in stake conference, Kyler's mission call to New Zealand mandarin speaking, trips to Utah, Kyler reassigned to Kansas, Kacin motorcycle, Kacin hxp to costa rica, Perry thriving as a deacon in church, continued therapy and marriage lab, Kyler scholarship to asu, eating out way too much, many escape rooms, book club, lunch and learn, finding healing

I wrote on instagram that 2022 was the year that the center of my heart filled with peace and joy and it overflowed and spread through my body and out into my life.

God led me to yoga teacher training at Konolani. Yoga taught me to connect within that place in my heart. 

The more I focus on connecting with God and with myself, the more confidence, joy, peace, strength, and power I feel. Heavenly Father knows me and knows I'm trying. He knows I'm not perfect. But He knows my effort, my choices, my sacrifices, my effort, my desire, and my focus. It is amazing that as I put God first with my daily scripture study, my prayers, my meditation, and my heart, He draws ever closer. This is the year that I found complete, confident trust and surrender to His will. Well at least I am TRYING to PRACTICE it. Thank heavens for God's grace through the atonement.

I guess my learning is quite fitting with the theme we picked as a family this year.

I wish that I had been able to catch up on here so I would have more time to write my thoughts verses uploading so many pictures. One of my new years resolutions is bringing me back to this blog though! I'm excited to share my 2023 resolutions tomorrow.

Goodbye 2022!!!

Our 9pm celebration looked like this: two in bed, one out with friends, one already living Jan 1 in New Zealand, and the rest of us playing a game, sipping cider, and then off to bed ourselves