August 31, 2021

youth conference in Durango

Ten hours in a van with these boys and a new mom friend to be Changed By Christ. That's how we began ward youth conference.

Did you see Kacin there in the back? Making a weird face, but at least you can see him there.

We were all desperate to get out of that van. We didn’t make it all the way down to mesa verde because no one was interested in an extra hour in the car but we did stop for a minute to look at the view.

The first day we spent there we got to white water raft down the river. They didn’t want to be in my group on the raft but I’m ok with that because I didn’t want to be with them either. They spent too much time splashing people and I'm just not into cold water fights.

See how wet and cold he is? I know it was worth it--he had a ton of fun.

Later we got to go hiking. It was a short little hike for most of these youth.

These two revolted and wouldn't come with me for the full loop.

But these great people did!

I love all hiking and Colorado showed off her beauty on this one. Glad we got a few strong youth to hike the whole way.

Just lovely.

At the core of youth conference, there were classes focused on the different names of Christ. The purpose of youth conference was to help us be changed by Christ. We had some amazing, powerful speakers and classes. This was a fun class about Jesus Christ as our friend. As part of the object lesson, the teacher had different sibling sets and best friend sets up to answer questions about each other. It was tied beautifully together. But my boys were pretty proud that they won the game part of the lesson. They truly have a special connection with each other.

I got to speak on Christ as the Lamb of God. Well it did not go as I entirely imagined or hoped. But I am glad for the opportunity to ponder and prepare if only for my sake.

I was so very grateful to be surrounded by such amazing people. Especially the women in my ward. They inspire me and strengthen me and help me. 

And even more especially this friend of mine. Somehow we ended up on these statues. Everyone needs a friend like that. 

These two girls have that kind of friendship, too.

Or they were just inspired by their leaders. Ha!

I'm grateful that I could go to this conference. I hope the youth walked away with a greater love and a closer relationship with our Savior and greater strength to face the world.