August 30, 2021

pieces of May

*May 2021

We were so glad that our cousins were able to visit between moves from London to Nevada.While they were here, we went to a trampoline park with a lot of the cousins.

Brighton stayed with us for a few weeks. I especially loved how he would play piano and fill our house up with beautiful music. And he is just a bright, fun kid. They made mashed potato sculptures one night at dinner.

We went out on quite a few sunset walks in may. Such a pretty time.

Brighton brought one of their dogs over for a visit.

Layla started both swim and dive teams and loved them both, especially dive though.

I took the girls to the Arizona Science center.

We went on a very short daytime hike at the Santan's main entrance when I had to renew my parking pass.

Yes, she's standing there pouting.

Kyler took on the roll of baby carrier to help my back out.

How sweet is this big brother with his little sisters!

Perry spent quite a few Sundays in a mood and so he took my phone to occupy himself. We ended up with all sorts of random church pictures thanks to him.

To celebrate the end of school, we took everyone to Medieval Times. 

For most of us, this was our first time here. And everyone loved it. I was so happy that we found a place that EVERYONE enjoyed. That is so hard to do with our family.

We found ways to keep ourselves entertained before the show.

We also bought my Madsen bike from someone on Facebook. I love that thing. These guys got one of the first rides when we brought it home.

But then we went out on an evening family bike ride almost every night for awhile. Surprise pictures for me from Layla.

On Memorial Day, we had about 4 or 5 families over for bbq and swim. I love filling our pool up with people.

And it was time for baby's first dip in the water.

It was truly just a dip of her feet because she was not a fan of the cool water. Don't worry, a few weeks later she was happy as could be in the water.

That wraps up most of May little things that happened.