December 31, 2020

hoco, winfo, and twelve dates of christmas

I think you could say that one of Kyler's favorite pastimes is going out on dates. I wish I had his group of friends when I was in high school because man, these boys are fun. Kyler and a friend set a goal to pretty much go on a date once a week during the school year. They are definitely meeting that goal.

Kyler asked one of his sweet friends to homecoming. I loved their matching shoes!!

Kyler never sent me the pictures they had taken before the dance so I can't post them here, but they looked so cute together.

The boys planned out dinner and we hosted their group.

Such a super fun group of teens. Side note--one of Kyler's guy friends now is actually a friend that he used to play with in Kindergarten in Washington! Such a small world. Glad they can be friends again.

The next big date was Winter formal. Kyler and his date for winfo are really good friends and have a bunch of inside jokes and things in common--one of those being Saved by the Bell. Such a funny way to ask him.

We laughed at his response to her. Who would've thought the show I loved as a 9 year old would be quoted on my son's winfo ask and response?? Hahaha

I stole these pictures off of his phone the day he got them.

In between those dances, Kyler went on a bunch of group dates. He tried to ask out each of the girls he hangs out with often.

And then he got "close contact quarantined." (Which was such a ridiculous thing to be told 6 days after "exposure."). But he was feeling bummed and home from school and had a friend over. Somehow their joking around turned into "we tshould plan 12 dates of christmas." So they did. In less than one week's times they took 12 different girls out on christmas dates. They had two days of three dates each day! I know they loved every second of it, but they were tired after a week of planning dates.

I don't have pictures of every fun date, but I was the photographer for this one after they went to goodwill to buy clothes for a christmas photo shoot.

And we got to show up to this one when part of the date was to perform the nativity under the Gilbert water tower.

Brinn made a cute friend with another little sister who came to watch the show.

The 12th date of christmas was a big group of teens and they stopped by our house for a hot chocolate bar.

Brinn always sneaks in to hang with the teens. She loves all the attention.

Kyler is getting so good at organizing and planning awesome dates. I'm glad he is out dating and having fun with so many sweet girls.