December 30, 2020

because nature makes my heart sing

It takes some work to make it happen, but I never ever regret getting outside in the desert.

Mountain mamas got an early morning hike in at santan a few weeks ago.

We took our girlies to hole in the rock for a perfect 3 year old hike.

Kyler and I took advantage of his forced close contact quarantine to hike camelback together.

We got to see the christmas tree that is brought up to the top of the mountain each year.

Mountain mamas branched out and took an afternoon hike up Siphon's Draw.

The moon above that rock! (ignore the food in my teeth...)

Gorgeous views!!

It's such a unique place to hike.

This was our top so we could get back down again before the sun went down. A perfect stop for a winter solstice meditation.

Bloom where you are planted. Some trees grow out of stones.

We had amazing night viewing of the Christmas star that night. To see the moons of jupiter and the rings of saturn and the craters on the moon takes my breath away!

We had another morning hike in the beautiful superstition mountains. 

This time we went to wave cave.

I think we look like aliens on another planet in this shot. Ha!

We had a little fun riding that wave.

I had to get a surf lesson before I tried this one.

When the weight of the world feels too heavy, now here is a place to go to find relief.

One of the last outings of 2020 was this one. We we took our little family to Tempe for a little excursion. After Hurts donuts and a walk around tempe town lake, we hiked a mountain I have never been on before. We went up "A" mountain.

It's short, steep, crowded, but a pretty view of the city and the sky. (we missed Perry on this hike!)

And a good place for some little girls to do some rock climbing.

I love seeing their sibling bond and how he helped her down the mountain.

I really do think I am the happiest when I get out in nature often. We really do live in a beautiful world!