December 28, 2020

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve was filled with family and traditions.

We started out on a cousins hike with Grandpa. 

Perry got a burst of hiking energy with his cousins there. They led the group by a long shot for pretty much all of the hike.

Later that afternoon was the Annual Allen Family Untalent Show!

This year our little family dressed up in costume to perform to "Grandma got run over by a reindeer." Our little reindeer didn't want her antlers on for the picture at the end. But when we practiced right before everyone came she was a splendid, energetic reindeer.

Grandma enjoyed that egg nog a little too much.

I did not get pictures of everyone Untalent at the show, but here's a few that I did get.

The schlink kids did some fast running to the song "run rudolph run."

Until Santa's reindeers were too tired.

Perry didn't want to join our little allred family number because he had big performance plans of his own. And it was pretty spectacular! He danced and balanced and jumped to the song "Like it's christmas" by the Jonas Brothers.

There were so many highlights, but especially loved his cool jump spins.

Schlink kids showed us some of their gymnastics moves. Little Gray ended with the snake!

Brinns saw their moves and wanted to take a turn on the mat, too. She got into her dance, rolls, and hand stands.

It was a christmas miracle when Grandpa got up to participate! He led us in a rope tying team game.

Layla played jingle bells on the piano.

These girls changed the lyrics to a song to make a covid parody to sing to us. Clever girls!

Layla showed off her flexibility by touching her head to her toes.

Brinn performed to "Into the Unknown." It started as dancing and ended as singing her heart out. Can we get this girl into theater already??

Brinn also felt compelled to join Harper in singing Baby Shark with the microphone.

Grandma ended the show with a pass the present game.

Grandpa and I had a little side show going on. We got some dance moves that's for sure.

We had our cousins and Grandparents gift exchange. Each cousin gives to another cousin.

So enthralled in the pages of her book she wouldn't even say thank you.

Pretty thrilled with the Harry Potter wand pen and Harry Potter journal! He even wondered later if it was Tom Riddle's diary and he was holding a horcrux. (I'm loving this Harry Potter stage).


Grandma gave each of these girls their own cleaning set. A happy gift for mom and kid alike!

Layla made Macie a dog house for her stuffed dogs. 

We ended the evening with the traditional meal of fried chicken. So glad for traditions and family to share the day with.