January 15, 2010

Any Guest of Mine . . .

*Note: This post is an advertisement to promote tourism in Washington (err, ok, visits with us) and to say congratulations to myself (uh, can I do that?) for sorting, labeling, and moving ALL of my teaching stuff out of the dining room and (somewhat) out of the way. By the way, I did pass on 4 whole boxes of stuff to Kyler's teacher. See, I don't keep everything.*

When you come to stay with us in beautiful, non-stop rainy Washington, you will be escorted to the guest living quarters where you will retire for the night.

The Brazilian flag hanging above your bed will both brighten up your white walls and remind you of "Ordem e Pregresso" (order and progress).
That may or may not be the theme of this room.

Though, the bed looks very comfy and seems to beckon you to dreamland, you surely will not drift off to sleep without practicing your letters and the sounds they stand for.

Or maybe you want to complete a few file folder games.

You could also do a little research on one of many topics, such as plants, space, or the author Patricia Palacco (one of my personal favorites). Depending on the month of your visit, you may want to check out the seasonal box for a good Valentine's, Halloween, or Thanksgiving story. There are plenty of books at your fingertips.

 When you head off to bed, you are welcome to cuddle with one of Grandma Neff's singing frogs or Grandpa's belt buckle (don't forget to admire the pictures that came in the frame when it was given to me. one thing at a time.)

If you can't sleep, or just wake up for some late-night fun, swing open the closet!

You can make words with the letter tiles, break out the balance and compare counters to unifex cubes, do a little measuring with rulers or square tiles, or play any number of Math games with the dice (big foam, dots, numbers, double dice--you name it, I have it).

If Midnight Math is not your thing, open up the Art tubs. There's plenty of glue, feathers, glitter, beads, and paint to create to your heart's content.

Any guest of mine, will certainly have the opportunity and the materials in order to progress.

**All visits include free Q-tips to prevent your ears from getting moldy (due to high humidity, not overload of learning or lack of cleanliness in our home) during your stay.
mommy said...

:) I want to come!

PS - Do you have/know where I can get/borrow any of those beginning reader books they use in kindegarten?

Darcee said...

And could I change bulletin boards to my heart's content? Miss owning all of those school supplies. . . don't miss storing them. . . .Just keeping all the books is a bit unmanageable at times, but I've decided having them read is more important than the organization of them. Still a headache though. . .

Barb said...

Well, my goodness, I am so excited! Can't wait for midnight math. (um, sometimes I do wake up and do figuring in my head at night. . . ) Laura, I am going to report you to the I am a great book writer but don't do it police.

Stefanie Hyer said...

I love it and can hardly wait!!!

Natalie said...

hahahahah!!! That was added to my favorite posts... you are so funny and clever sometimes :) I hope I get to come sometime this summer :)