February 14, 2009

We Love Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! This is my most favorite holiday ever! I mean, you've got your pink, your glitter, your hearts, your treats (especially if you're a teacher!), your flowers, and LOVE. You get to make cheezy cards, attempt poetry, and try to be thoughtful. It's just the greatest. And today topped the charts.

Eric got me flowers. :) The single, dying rose is because Eric drove to my school yesterday at lunch and left it in my car! How romantic!
We woke up (early, mind you. The boys were so excited they couldn't sleep anymore.) and made a yummy breakfast of HEART-shaped biscuits, strawberry jam, turkey bacon, eggs, pineapple juice, and strawberries. We let the boys go at it today--I am still in shock of how much Kacin crammed into his mouth and tummy. He had 4 biscuits + everything else in abundance! And we still LOVE him even though he's going to eat us out of house and home. It was a LOVEly breakfast.

The LOVE of my life then had Church basketball. That's all I can say because I don't want E to be sad that they lost.

Eric was so much more LOVEable after he showered, so that's when the festivities began! The boys had to hide in Kyler's room while I set up the HEART trail through the house. First, the HEARTs led us to mine and Eric's room where the camera was ready to take a picture of us on our 1st Valentine's together (and all wearing red and pink, thank you). We followed the HEART trail through the bathroom and down the stairs for station #2. A bag of cinnamon candies and 4 buckets were waiting for us. We filled up each other's buckets by saying nice things about each other and dropping a handful of cinnamon candies. We learned that our family is very cute, funny, and smart--basically the best ever. Can you feel the LOVE?

The HEART trail continued to the kitchen table. We bit off the ends of Red Vines and used them as straws to blow HEART-cupcake holders across the table.

We hurried to the next room and found the coolest IPOD candy Valentine's. But before we could eat them we had to dance to a LOVE song. We chose "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.

The HEART trail led us to the basement, our final destination, in which we found the LOVE basket filled with the Allen family traditional candy bar cookies. YUMMY.

Then we ate junk until lunch. But we can do that because it's Valentine's day.

The rest of the day consisted of driving up to Layton to visit with our wonderful friends, Kiri and Aaron (and cute Adalyn and sweet Jacob). It was great seeing their new house, talking and feeling glad that we don't have near as much snow in AF as they do in Layton! The boys played in the snow, made cars out of cardboard boxes and had a fabulous time while Eric and I went to the Bountiful Temple and to Jason's Deli to eat (we had a fabulous time, too). Thank you, Kiri and Aaron!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Barb said...

Laura, I am amazed at what a creative, wonderful mom you are, ok, not really amazed, I knew you would be! Your day sounds absolutely perfect, I was SO happy to see the traditional cookies. I worried that you wouldn't get any. . . And yeah to Eric for the flowers and joining in all the festivities!

Lynnae said...

What a fun day. You are amazing.

AnneMarie said...

Wow! Sounds like a great day! You are very creative. Is that because you are an elementary school teacher or are you a teacher because you are so creative? I'm just old and boring (plus we spent the day at Payson High School for a Winter Guard Competition).

Stefanie Hyer said...

That sounds like an awesome valentines day! You ARE such a creative and great mom! I wish that I could be so creative when I have kids... and even now! :). Thank you soooo much for our candies! Sorry I didnt call to let you know... but please let the boys know as well! We loved them! Also, I was so mad (not really) cuz you got your valentines day cards to us before valentines day! I sent it out on Monday... so be on the lookout for your beautiful cards! :) P.S. you and the boys must wear them!

Pattie said...

Wow, you are definitely mom of the year! You make everything so much fun for your family.....I am extremely impressed!

Holly Janeen said...

oh you perfect mom you!
look at you...
can you just raise my kid for me? i dont think i will be as wonderful!

Clint and Mari Cluff said...

Wow, that's awesome. I am sure your boys had a blast!

Cheryl said...

Those are some great ideas I might steal! You really do have a LOVEly family, and the boys (all three of them) couldn't be any luckier! Thanks for the reminders about what an awesome day it is. And just for the record, we LOVE Laura lots too!

Natalie said...

I am pretty much convinced after this post that you are the best mom ever!! And if my eyes are seeing things clearly, my little Kyler has short hair!! LOVE IT!!