December 28, 2021

Trophy Ball and level passing

Eric and I have officially entered into the world of ballroom dancing.

We went to our level passing to be judged to pass off our social foundation level and to move on to Bronze level. Yes that’s right. We have committed for at least another year of dancing.

Because we passed off our social foundation level, we got to perform an honor dance at the Trophy Ball in Scottsdale. We danced our cha cha with two other couples on our level.

After our dance, we received our certificate.

We loved watching all of the other dancers at their different levels! Then there were some fun solo dancers.

The highlight of the day was coming back in the evening for the ball. We got to dress up in formal attire and dance around the ballroom to live music. Then we got to watch the professional dancers put on a find Christmas show. We loved it!

Ballroom dance is a whole new world for us and we are enjoying it immensely. It pushes us out of our comfort zone, teaches us new skills, offers us time together, and is so much fun. Excited to see what next year brings for us on the dance floor!