December 2, 2021

18th Anniversary

Eighteen years of friendship and love with the man who still gets me.

“What better way to say I love you than with a gift of a spatula?” ~UHF
(still in my top 3 of favorite movies)

Being the romantic that he is, he gave me spatulas.

Eric and I have such a beautiful relationship that I am proud of. Because we have fought for and worked for it. After a few years now of couples therapy and coaching, working on ourselves, and taking time for our relationship, it feels so good to be in the place that we are now. We have earned it. I understand now that marriages go through different seasons. I don’t think we should feel ashamed through any of them. Oh how we struggled surrounding my cancer treatments! I know it takes deliberate and consistent effort on our parts, a lot of turning to Christ, and a willingness to work. And keep working. I feel lucky that we both choose that.

And that we are surrounded by this crazy bunch (and those not pictured).

The day before our anniversary we got to take our kids to the Mesa Temple open house. This is where Eric and I were sealed and married and then later that Kyler and Kacin were sealed to us in. It was special to walk through it so close to our anniversary and remember where we started and who we were then and where we are today. 

The bond between siblings is just so special.

We made a quick stop at the new visitors center and found the Christus. It reminded me that as we keep Christ at the center of our lives and we draw closer to Him, we will actually strengthen the relationships within our marriage and family and grow closer together. I have seen in my life that the way to build a strong happy, marriage is drawing closer to Christ and getting His help and trying to emulate his attributes. That is what has made me the happiest anyways. And I've seen the difference when I don't do that.

We had a beautiful sunset to end the day. What a golden moment to appreciate on that special day.