December 1, 2021


This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

These three dressed up for our ward Halloween party as a ninja, a ballerina, and a movie star.

I love that 20 min before we left for the party is when we pulled out the dress up bin and got creative on what to be.

Perry’s ninja skills were on point.

At the party there was a build your own soda station. Brinn was in heaven and perfectly content off people watching with her soda in hand.

A few days earlier, Eric and I dressed up for our ballroom dance class Halloween party. We were Bob Ross and his painting. This was also the night that we performed our first cha-cha. We are such beginners and our dance reflected that but we have so much fun together.

On Halloween afternoon, we went to my sister’s house for a family party. We got a picture of all the kids in the Halloween costumes. Kacin and Kyler didn’t dress up for Halloween, but when it was time for a picture they grabbed clothes out of the closet to be Jacqui and Josh. Haha!

We came home in time for chili with our neighbors and trick or treating through the neighborhood.

This time Layla went as Hermione Granger.

Perry switched back to his classic storm trooper costume.

Brinna settled on Minnie Mouse.

They came home with lots of candy and happy memories.

Happy Halloween!!