September 29, 2021

family time

I have been feeling a little disconnect in our family. Everyone’s a little busier these days. Or a lot busier, depending on your perspective. Friends, activities and work pull us in all different directions. I know we have been carrying some extra stress between school, court, and medical appointments, too. We have needed some quality family time. Some in our family may argue that fact, which is probably a good sign that yes we do.

Last night we made sure that everyone was home in the evening. Someone mentioned a couple days ago that we haven’t played hide and seek in the dark in this new house. With the changing seasons, it is now dark again by 7pm. It was a perfect time to play. 

We sat on the floor and put our feet in a circle. An Allen family tradition to determine who will be it: “my dog died last night. What color was his blood? ____. Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow and you are not it.”

Layla was last one standing so first one to be it. She was feeling terrified of the dark so I helped her. (By round 3 she was as comfortable as could be.) We searched and felt our way through the dark house finding everyone one by one. It was a pretty intense game in our big house. But it’s another one of those rare, perfect activities for our big family with kids of all ages. I’m so glad we played together!

Families need fun.

A couple of weeks ago we took our camping trailer out on its maiden voyage with our family. Trees, cool air, fire, and uninterrupted family time!

Kyler helped Perry make a walking stick for our family walk.

Poor tough Kacin was hobbling on his crutches and boot because of his slip n slide injury.

Layla found us some “toilet paper” leaves.

We pulled out some candy while we were playing card games. Kacin chugged the bottom of the sour coating on the sour belts—I don’t know how he did it. That’s intense flavor.

I don’t have a good explanation for this picture. Just love for her.

We spent the afternoon at Blue Ridge Reservoir. A gorgeous place for our paddle boards!

Perry and Layla were on kid kayaks and the rest of us got on paddle boards.

Gorgeous trees.

Perry was obsessed with making fires all weekend. Even when it started to rain and most of us were hiding in the trailer, he would run to the fire in between downpours to keep it going.

During one of the big downpours we got all cozy inside the small space.

It was beautiful at night to watch the moon rise and the stars pop out one at a time.

The vastness of the sky is so humbling yet empowering.

These sweet girls gathered wildflowers on our last morning there. 

Whether it be camping trips or family games, it is so essential to connect with some fun as a family. We need each other!