May 2, 2018

These days

Perry is in the middle of his challenger baseball season. 

His baseball skills have developed leaps and bounds since he started playing a few seasons ago.

Is he using the force on me?

He loves baseball! 

His coach always draws an x in the dirt so he knows where to stand.

Go Angels!

The little league teams they play are the sweetest boys! There is so much love out on the field during these games.

The boys spent a Saturday working for a friend who owns an ac company. It was hard dirty work and the boys loved it. And they loved the cash they earned (most of it went to their AP camp cost).

We watched the greatest showman one afternoon. Layla set up a concession stand for us.

Those hand drown pictures are also courtesy of Layla—portraits of the greatest showman cast!

Eric and I watched a webinar about parenting kids who have experienced trauma.

Layla had a Fairytale Music performance at school. All the kindergarteners were supposed to decorate a family coat of arms. Layla and I worked together to make an A and Mickey Mouse and a ctr ring. Then I stepped away and when I came back her creative mind had added a candy cane, a D for Disneyland, a giraffe, a dog, a Christmas tree etc.

Twin cousin sleepover! It took two weeks for Layla to earn this privilege.

The girls woke up and set up a restaurant for breakfast.  “Welcome to the restaurant. This is a yummy restaurant.”

They even made a sign with an arrow pointing so we would know where to go when we went downstairs. :)

The night of Layla’s performance came! She ended up deciding to be a Queen for the show.

Do you see her there up towards the top?

Kacin and his friend used every single one of the Kapla blocks to make this crazy tall tower.

We went to an end of the year picnic at Kyler’s soccer club. One of the players from Phoenix Rising was there and autographed this little soccer balls for L and P.

The kids have been out of school for 5 days because of a state wide teacher walkout. My house is ready to get back into order when they go back to school starting tomorrow.