May 4, 2018

Saguaro National Park and International Wildlife museum

We made it to another National Park!

We took a day trip down to Saguaro National Park in Tucson.

The desert is filled with so much beauty, especially at this time of the year when the cacti are blooming.

There are 3 rattlesnakes that live around the visitors center. We only saw this guy. Thankfully we had a view from the other side of a wall.

It was an extremely warm day. We went on a short hike up to a little lookout.

We ended up seeing a lot of little creatures.

So as we were driving there we scribbled on a scratch piece of paper 14 things that the kids had to do or find during the day in order to get a treat at the end of the day. One of those things was to fight a saguaro cactus the same height as you. (Some of the others were ask a park ranger an intelligent question, find a cactus with 3 arms, etc)

Kyler was a super hero. He carried Perry for more than half of the hike.

I stayed with Perry and baby and my parents while E took the other three kids on a short hike to see the petroglyphs. Layla took my phone to take some pictures. 

While we were in the visitor’s center we watched a movie about the desert. Towards the end of the movie one of the narrator’s said “You are the desert and the desert is you.”

After a picnic lunch, we left the saguaros and stopped by the International Wildlife Museum. (We use the ASTC passport program to visit so many cool museums!)

So the museum has safari hats for children to wear and then Layla found a paper with pictures of animals at the top and names of animals at the bottom. This scavenger hunt kept her so very engaged as we toured around the museum. She recruited Grammie to help her find all of the animals, too.
Well, at the end of our walk through the museum she couldn't find the monkeys that were on the paper so she bravely asked the lady at the front desk where they were at. The lady was quite confused by her question. We explained a little more and come to find out that paper was not intended as a scavenger hunt--just a matching game. Ha! well, the scavenger hunt is a really good idea and it kept Layla super happy at the museum so I'm glad she used it that way anyways.

Definitely not sure about the lion...

Or any furry animal she got too close to...

This was a perfect day adventure.