May 1, 2018

8 months

I know, I know. I am one month behind on this one. She may be 9 months old today in real time, but today I am finally sharing with you Baby B's cuteness at 8 months old!

She still very intently studies her hands sometimes. 

She sits up confidently now and loves to sit up and play with her toys. 

When I first placed her down in the grass she was not loving that feeling at all! But she calmed down pretty quickly about it.

She loves books and gets so excited when we pull one out.

She celebrated her first easter on her 8th month birthday.

She was a good little buddy during the last soccer games of the season. 


I love this series of picture. B went head to head (literally) with Harper. 

She also discovered how much fun it is to pull dads beard while he feeds you.

More soccer game cuddles. 

She tried on Papa’s hat.

B is such a joy!!! We are all so in love still.