May 12, 2018

9 months

Sweet baby girl is nine months old.

We moved her up into 6-9 month clothes.

She is much more efficient at eating baby foods, but still gags and throws up when we give her anything with texture. She’s exploring finger foods, but has really only mastered puffs.

Look at this crazy hair from the trampoline!

Physical therapy once a week is going well. We love the PT who comes to our house once a week. She is rolling more and we are working on crawling and going from sitting to tummy.

She’s just so content it’s hard to motivate her to move around.

It was at the end of the day when I realized I needed to take her 9 month pictures. we tried to go outside in the grass. She hated it. She wasn’t having it inside the house either. I eventually took her to the trampoline where we got some smiles.

Another daddy’s girl. 

B didn’t know what to think when her big sister came to play in her bed with her. Layla loves going in to play with B on weekend mornings. She doesn’t usually climb in her bed, but she’s very good at entertaining her baby sister.

B loves playing with toys. As long as they are within her reach while she’s sitting. 

She loves to blow raspberries.

Kyler taught her to make clicking noises with her tongue. I keep telling him he had to be careful or she’s going to think we only communicate through clicks.

This little boy is still an amazing, loving big brother. He sometimes loves on her a little too much but she is patient and loves him right back.

This right here, my friends, is a game changer. She can now sit up in a shopping cart. 

Nine months has just sped by. We all love this baby girl!