March 10, 2016

A Plea to My Sisters and I Stand All Amazed: GC 8

It's been awhile since I have recorded anything about the conference talks I am reading. I am almost done studying all of them. It nourishes my soul each day that I read these messages. I think I will finish just in time for April's General Conference when a new set of talks will be given.

One message I read this week was President Russell M. Nelson's address entitled "A Plea to My Sisters". He used words like "articulateness", "organize", "strength", "speak with the power and authority of God", "speak out", "discernment", "courageous defenders", "devoted", "who know how to call upon the powers of heaven", "teach fearlessly", "contributing", and "bedrock understanding" to describe the women we need today. I found the call to women and the blessings promised beautiful, thought-provoking, and encouraging. It brought to my mind a few things I should try to do differently in my life.

We discussed this address in Relief Society on Sunday. One part of our discussion was about how, we as women, don't need to be perfect, we just need to be willing and available.

From there, I wondered though I may be willing, am I available? Am I filling my life with so many things that I don't have the time or energy to do what's most important and what the Lord needs me to do?

I have found some ways to simplify my life and create larger margins in my day. I recently unsubscribed from all email except for the three stores that I tend to actually use the coupons for and two newsletters that I actually read. The rest was unnecessary and just took away time each day to check and delete. This seems like such a small thing, but it has made a big difference.

I, also, switched Layla's lessons to a studio that is 15 min. closer. The boys don't each sign up for a sport each and every season anymore. I say no to helping with a lot of things if I just feel like it doesn't fit for me that week. I try to give myself more time just for me in the day. And we are in a constant, slow state of decluttering around the house.

I still have a long way to go, and life with 4 kids is just going to be busy no matter what, but those small things have helped.

I also loved Elder Rasband's simple message of love in his talk "I Stand All Amazed".

from the

Or change his love for others. So "we are to reach out to our fellowmen in love" and to remember what the Lord has said, "Love one another; as I have loved you." (john 13:34)

He shared a verse of one of my most favorite hymns. So powerful.

I Stand All Amazed

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. …
I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine,
That he should extend his great love unto such as I,
Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify. …
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!

It is wonderful!
Holly Decker said...

So inspirering! I love this. Thanks for sharing your examples of simplifying, I'm gunna copy you!