December 13, 2015

These Days

Layla finished her session of gymnastics. We are hoping to start her in ballet soon, but that is dependent on my ability to get there to register her.

We did our holiday treat making and delivering early this year. I'm checking off as much as I can as early as I can. These treats were good ones for the kids to help make. We are making good memories as a family driving around looking at Christmas lights, listening to Christmas songs (Eric's favorite thing, ha!), and delivering our little plates to friends. The kids bring the treats and our Christmas card to each door. After a few arguments of whose turn it is to carry the treats, they fall into a good system of taking turns. Of course, we ended up doing some delivering in the rain.

Kacin performed in his last Christmas concert with his elementary school. The 5th graders even did a cool dance during their Hanukkah song. It was a fun performance. I didn't have my camera and I had accidentally left my phone in the car so Kyler's friend took this picture for me.

The kids and I sat around last night making snowflakes. Kyler is so good at stuff like this. He was our teacher. But he didn't even make any snowflakes himself. He was hard at work making a box with a lid to hold candies to give to a friend as a thank you. And he helped Layla create a ship out of paper.

There was a toy drive at Kyler's school to help children in foster care. When he heard who they were collecting the toys for, it was important to him that he gave something. I am proud of him and his thoughtful, generous ways. I snapped a picture as he walked down the hall delivering his donations.

Kacin did more allergy testing. He had to keep this on his back for three days! He was itchy and uncomfortable. When we went back to the allergist to get it off, we identified a contact allergy. So now we have the task of reading all the labels in the house to rid our home of Bronopol. We hope it helps.

We have a sick little guy around here. The poor boy is on the mend, but for two days the washing machine ran constantly trying to keep his pajamas and blankets clean. And our carpet cleaner worked hard, too. Then we got a little smarter and set up his home on a blow up mattress away from all upholstery. It's no fun to be sick. And I am so glad he is now back to smiling, talking, and some of his mischievous ways.