December 21, 2015

Christmas Hoopla

The tree is bursting with gifts ready for Christmas morning.

Each of the children got presents for each person in our little family and extended family. Kacin and Kyler were pretty independent and quite generous with their own money in their purchases for everyone. Layla and Perry made gifts for all the aunts and uncles and grandparents. Then we went to the dollar store and they picked out some pretty special gifts for their siblings and cousins. I love watching all of my children deliberating at the store about which gift to buy which person and then bringing those gifts home and lovingly wrapping each one.

To: Kyler From: Perry
We went to the toy drive at the stake center and had a little visit with Santa. I was so proud that Perry told Santa his name was "Perry Allred". He got shy and needed some prompting to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas (a firestation).

Layla told Santa she wanted ballet shoes. After her turn was over she got worried because she had forgotten to tell him she also wanted a pink suitcase with a unicorn inside.

Now these guys are a bit too old to be sitting on Santa's lap. But they'll do anything for a candy cane. There wasn't anyone else in the room when we were there so I think they figured they'd have a little fun.

We went on a Christmas light drive around our area. We ended up at the doughnut shop for a treat.

The boys had their Christmas piano recital. They rocked their songs!

Eric and I went to our friends annual Christmas party. A few of the games were wrapping a present blindfolded and picking up a candy cane using another candy cane and ribbon. Eric is pretty proud of his ugly christmas sweater.

When we first moved into this area, the bishop of our ward kindly invited Kyler ad Kacin to help him set up their train set around his Christmas tree. This man is now in the Stake Presidency so we don't see him in our ward as often, but he still invites the boys over for trains. It has become a tradition that my boys look forward to each year.  This year the boys made a thank you for him--a candy train. Each of the kids pitched in and had a blast designing some creative train cars. I think candy trains might become our own family tradition!

I have to throw this picture in here. It is the first picture I have of dear, sweet, wonderful Sundi and Layla.

I know these next few days will be filled to the brim as we enjoy celebrating Christmas (and two birthdays) with family.  We wish you a very Merry Christmas!