June 16, 2009

This is . . .

This is the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.These are the wings that had to be clipped because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.
This is the Eric who chased the rest of the chickens to clip the wings because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.This is the branch that Eric ran into because he chased the rest of the chickens to clip the wings because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.This is the scalp (see the hair) from Eric's head that got caught on the branch that Eric ran into because he chased the rest of the chickens to clip the wings because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.This is the puddle of blood (see the dark spot in the grass) that gushed from Eric's head when the scalp got caught on the branch that Eric ran into because he chased the rest of the chickens to clip the wings because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.This is the 10 cm gash and the 11 staples to stop the blood that made the puddle when the scalp got caught on the branch that Eric ran into because he chased the rest of the chickens to clip the wings because of the chicken that flew to the top of the fence.

Notable Comments from the Evening:
*Kacin: (as the blood literally shoots from Eric's head) "It's not bleeding that bad, Daddy."
*Eric: "Do you want me to drive to urgent care?"
Laura: "I'm OK. I haven't passed out yet . . ."

*Eric: (later on at Urgent Care) "Kyler, would you please throw my juice away."
Kyler: "Get up and do it yourself."
Eric and Laura: lecture about being kind, daddy's hurt, service, thoughtfulness, love, etc. etc.
Laura: "What would you want us to do if you were the one hurt like daddy?"
Kyler: "I wouldn't get hurt on that tree. I'm not tall enough!"

*Kacin: (saying the family prayer tonight) "Please bless that daddy won't run into trees."
Amen to that one, Kacin!!
Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness! This is the shock that Cheryl felt when she saw the gash caused by the chicken that flew to the top of the fence! To heck with Mike the Headless Chicken, this is Eric the Headless Chicken Clipper. I'm so sorry to all involved, but I'm glad you recorded those incredible comments for future reference. I hope Eric recovers quickly and easily.

Barb said...

That is no small gash, I am sure it bled A LOT, and I am so proud that you didn't faint, LoLo. To E I send many wishes of a quick recovery and prayers of gladness that he did not get hurt worse!

Jenny said...

I think I might pass out! I hope he's okay! I can't imagine that staples IN THE HEAD can ever feel good. Your boys make me laugh. They need to come over and play soon!

Alisha said...

Oh wow! That mean tree! I love your story, though, kind of reminds me of a story I've heard before:) Hope he gets feeling better soon.

Mike said...

Holy crap! Those staples look nasty. I'll never look at my stapler the same again.

Darcee said...

I would have lost it. . . I would not have even made to the garage let alone to ER. Then the staples. . .I would not have been able to drive home. Caleb got a wart taken off the other day and they used this little burning tool thingy and I had to excuse myself so I would be able to drive him home. I'm such a quease! Glad to know I'm not alone!

Sending healing thoughts your way.

Natalie said...

I think that is the best blog you have ever done.... I love Kyler "Get up and do it yourself"

Colleen Lunt said...

You write so well. We always enjoy your blog. Travis will come in and say, "Mom have you read Laura's blog yet?" It is something we look forward to.

Colleen Lunt said...

Oh, and I forgot to say - Sorry for your pain Eric!

Pattie said...

Here I was watching you guys go in and out this afternoon with no clue about Eric's injury. Holy cow! It's the mean brown chicken, right, that caused all of this? He's the first one up for a chicken fry!

Lynnae said...

Well, Eric, what side of the head are you parting your hair now? Sorry for your pain!!! Laura, you are one of the funniest writers. I love to read about your adventures and you tell them so well. Your boys are adorable and sooo funny.

John said...

That short story would sell more than a few copies!

Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha, that is very funny what the boys had to say. Not funny that Eric got hurt! Hope he feels better! Good story telling though! It sounds like "because a little bug that went kachoo"! :) You should publish!