September 16, 2020

more river time

I know, I know. Another river post.

I just can’t help it though. 

The flowing river has been my lifeline. I’m still there at least once a week. And it is GORGEOUS there so I can’t resist pictures. 

But this particular river run was a special one. Partly because it was quite the adventure just about everything went wrong that day—I had to turn around twice to get forgotten oars and life jackets and arrived there to find a leak in the seam on one of our boards. A man at the parking lot borrowed our pump and then he offered to help fix our leak with duct tape (thank goodness for having some in the truck!). FYI duct tape is not the wise choice on your paddle board, but after everything we went through to get there I just couldn’t bring myself to end the adventure at the parking lot. My board was squishy at the end of the river, but we made it.

But mostly what made it special was bringing Layla, my niece, Macie, and Jacqui. 

It was their first time paddle boarding!

From start to end this river run took more time than it usually does. But that's expected when you have some girls on the boards who just want to have fun.

At Layla's request, we stopped at the rope swing for some hanging fun. YOu can tell who the gymnasts in the family are...

And who is just there to party.

We saw some absolutely beautiful groups of horses. As we would pass them, the girls would each claim their own and give them a name, usually they were either named Snow or Brownie.

Sometimes the river is too dreamy.

And sometimes we get a little crazy.

The girls were so excited by the little colt we saw towards the end. There was also a hug group of paddleboarders that we ran into.

We made it to granite reef at the prettiest time.

It was the latest I have ever been on the river so it was a little tricky to get packed up in the dark next to the huge group of paddleboarders, but I talked to some nice people and got some good paddleboarding information. While the girls had some fun with my phone.

The little girls are already begging for another paddle boarding adventure!
Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing such great photos of your river time. We sure miss seeing you and the kids in the ‘hood. The folks who bought your house are very nice and are wonderful neighbors - but we still miss all of you!! When you get a chance, will you send me the name of Perry’s school. My dear friend just learned that her granddaughter is autistic and she is hoping to search for schools that may be right for her needs. Thanks, Elaine & Steve