September 29, 2020

back to school round two

I think this is how we all felt when schools closed down last March.

And when they stayed closed.

And then when the start of school was postponed and the calendar year was adjusted to take away our longer fall and spring breaks.

And then we had to do virtual school.

But here we are finally taking steps towards normal school again! And back to in person instruction for half of the kids.

Happy, happy days!

This little Brinna Lou started at preschool for two mornings a week.

I can not believe how much she is growing up.

Hands down, three year olds are the best!

Maybe a little emotional and sassy, too. But I love everything about this three year old of ours.

I'm excited for her to have some new experiences at preschool. 

Though I very much miss her, I think the time at school is so good.

She gives me the best I love you squishy faces.

The best.

Oh, we love her so!

That cheese grin!

Perry and Layla have started in person instruction as well. Perry got to go to school a week before Layla did. Perry rides the bus. Layla and I walk to school each morning. There was a lot of big feelings about the requirement to wear masks. However, even though we still don't like it, Layla and Perry will both wear face shields. Perry has a medical exemption so they are not supposed to be pushing him about it. And when they did it caused some big behaviors. So, it's a year of learning and adjustment. But we are happy these guys all have in person instruction right now. And we can't wait for the high schoolers to get to go back, too!!