May 20, 2020

a day on the rim

We took a drive and landed just outside of Payson, AZ on the Mogollan Rim to do a little off roading in my sister’s Ranger.

Kacin and kyler each drove up and down their first legit hill. They did so well!

Layla and Perry got behind the wheel, too. So fun to see their excitement about that. What a great uncle they have to give them driving lessons.

While we were on a long ride with Logan in the car, Jacqui organized a surprise party with a piñata to celebrate Log’s 6th birthday. Kyler and Eric were assigned the task of hanging the shark piñata from the top of a tree. I heard it was a little precarious, but in the end they got it up.

Piñata time! Brinn was a little bit nervous about those shark teeth.

But the others all happily took some big whacks on that thing.

Presents, cupcakes, and a little more off roading before we had to get home.

Big hugs to end the day!!