November 3, 2017

Kyler These Days

Kyler is the other one that is hard to get into pictures. He doesn't complain too much about them, but he is getting so busy that I just don't see him as much as I used to.

Kyler goes to soccer practice at least twice a week. He plays games on saturdays.

He is still serving as the president of one of the Deacon's quorums. It is remarkable how much he has learned and grown as he has served in this calling. He is an outstanding leader and he tries to do what Heavenly Father wants him to do in his calling (which is probably the best trait any leader could have).

8th grade has been good to Kyler. He is loved by all of his teachers. I have received separate emails from a few of his teachers praising him (not to mention all of the praise I have gotten from his church teachers, too). He is thriving in so many areas and we are so proud of him. 

At school, the teachers can give kids these character papers when they do well in class and what not. During first quarter, Kyler received two. At the end of the quarter, all of the character slips are put in a drawing at the assembly and there is a drawing to receive prizes. I always thought this was a bit silly, until the day Kacin sent me a text message that Kyler had won something. Our Kyler had actually won the biggest prize they give out--a one hundred dollar visa gift card! Oh you can imagine his excitement for that.

Kyler decided to work really hard for the next two weeks and take his money to buy an iPod touch. He was thrilled the day I took him to the store to buy it.

Ky is a loving ad helpful big brother.

And we definitely love him!