November 2, 2017

Kacin These Days

As my boys get older, it is harder and harder to get them in pictures. Especially Kacin. He is not a fan when I pull my phone out.

There may be less pictures of him, but he is not any less of a joy in our lives! Kacin truly has an amazing personality and I love being around him.

He really loves 7th grade at the Junior High. He loves switching classes and he has made some really great friends. There has been a bit of a learning curve with all of the homework and tests and projects to juggle, but he is figuring it out and I am confident that he will do well in all of his classes. 

His life has been baseball and friends. It was a last minute decision, but we let him sign up for Fall ball this year. He has connected better with this coach and team this season and so it’s been a good season so far. He has also taken a few private lessons from someone in our ward. I don’t know what has made the biggest difference, but whatever it is he is hitting better and playing better than he ever has before.

When Eric was out of town that week, I had to send the older boys to walk down to their orthodontist appointment on their own. Kacin called me when he got there and said they told him he was ready to get his braces off! It was three months earlier than they originally told us so we were surprised. Unfortunately, I had to say no to getting them off that day because we had to rush out the door. Kacin handled the disappointment well and we scheduled an appointment for the next week. And so now those braces are off! Here's our side by side before and after shots.

It was a Tuesday that he got his braces off and then a Friday that he went in for a big ear surgery. Basically, he had to have a hole, left from those four sets of ear tubes he has had over the years, fixed. It has caused him to have a mild hearing loss and to get an infection every time his ears went into water. The surgery lasted an hour and a half. It ended up being a little more intense than what we were expecting. He is recovering how he should be, but we weren't prepared for everything that recovery means. We knew he had to stay out of water for the next two months, but we didn't realize that he also can't play sports, bend his head forward, or lift anything heavier than a phone book. It threw us all for a loop. Kacin has had to miss his last few weeks of baseball and that's not easy. But, ultimately, I think he will be glad he did this surgery. He is such a tough kid.

I told him to wear his glasses instead of his contacts for the surgery, but I realized that might have been the wrong choice considering he was having ear surgery. We stretched out his glasses a little, but made it work.

Isn’t that an impressive bandage? He had to keep it on for 24 hours after surgery. 

Once we took it off, we realized why he had it on. Kind of gnarly, huh? He will have a scar behind his ear.

I just can’t end on that picture, so here’s some of the cute pictures of Kacin loving on his sister and spending time with some of his siblings. Kacin is the best big brother to all three of his little siblings and the best friend to his older brother.

I know I am so lucky to be Kacin's mom!