June 1, 2016

Kindergarten Concert

Last week, I went in to help in Perry's class. I love volunteering in Perry's classroom. On this particular day, the teacher read a book about the beach and then the kids made a little beach in a bottle. It was such a good language and fine motor activity for my little guy. He was so excited about it.

That night was the Kindergarten concert. Perry told me he was supposed to wear cowboy boots and a hat. I'm really not sure where the idea came from, but he had his mind set on it. So we pulled out the cowboy hat. 

As cute as he was, when I dropped him off with his teacher, we convinced him he did not need to wear a hat that night to perform.

He was a little nervous at first, but quite adorable standing up there.

The kindergartners performed about 7 different songs. My little guy sang a little and did a few of the actions.

But he also kept me and Kyler entertained by doing this.

And this.

And sometimes I would glance away for a sec and when I looked back Perry had disappeared. When he was done with standing he would take a seat right there until he felt like standing again. Then he would pop right back up.

Really, all of the performers were quite entertaining--the kids yelling "hi mom", the animated singers, the tears, the bloody nose. . . Kindergarten is the best.

Way to go at your first Kindergarten concert, Perry!!