January 19, 2016

Oregon Christmas

Oh my goodness, I've been aching to sit down at the computer and get a few things recorded here. Traveling, teaching, meetings, and appointments have filled my days for the last few weeks. So it feels nice to finally sit down and remember a pretty wonderful christmas.

My little family, Jenny, and my parents all gathered at Stefanie's house to be together for Christmas in Oregon.

Besides sledding on Christmas Eve, there was also . . .

Perry and Papa fixing the star on top of the tree.

There was so much snow and ice.

There was sister hair braiding, laughing, funny face making, dancing, and singing in the kitchen.

And when all the kiddos were fast asleep, Santa paid a little visit.

On Christmas morning, everyone woke up at different times. Of course, Kyler and Kacin were the first ones awake and it was killing them to have to wait. Around 7am or so Stefanie's children were awake so we let them line up in the hall and then go see what Santa brought. I think they were happier than they appear in this picture.

Perry was the next one to wake up. But he wasn't so sure he was ready to get out of bed. 


He was really cute when I tucked him in bed on Christmas Eve. We heard a little noise from the other room when I was about to close the door. His eyes got big and he asked "what's that?" He answered himself by telling me Santa was on the roof. Whether it was because he was afraid or because he knew he should stay in bed in order to get the gifts, he snuggled deep into his blankets. Once I got him out of bed in the morning, he was so excited to see what Santa brought.

This sleepy head didn't get up until Papa woke her up to go join everyone else and see what Santa brought.

After breakfast, we exchanged gifts with each other.

The suitcase she asked for and Santa delivered was a big hit. She played with it the rest of the week. Aren't these two cousins cute?

A little snow wasn't going to stop our baseball player.

Hot chocolate and  aunt Jenny hugs to warm you up.

Papa did some entertaining book reading.

The Schlink's gave us Pie face. Oh, there was fun with that.

Perry was the last one standing with this game. After everyone else had scattered off to do something else, he continued three more times to spray the whipped cream and let it go splat on his face.

On Sunday, Jenny and I found ourselves color coordinated.

The kids played everything from xbox to family to legos to dress up to magnatiles.

Now there's the prettiest Hulk I've ever seen.

There was lots of game playing.

While everything didn't go perfectly, it was still so nice to be together. it was the merriest of Christmas.